
Beatconnectisanewosu!beatmapsmirrorthatprovidesmorefeaturesandbandwidththananyothermirrors.,It'smainpurposeistodownloadallsongsand/orbackgroundimagesfromyourbeatmapsfromyourlocalosu!gamefolder.Currentlyitsupports8typesofimages ...,Osu!BeatmapsetDownloader.Downloadsgivennumberofbeatmapsetswiththemostfavoritesfromosu.ppy.shintothecurrentworkingdirectory.,Trysearchingunrankedosu!map.Imean,downloa...


Beatconnect is a new osu! beatmaps mirror that provides more features and bandwidth than any other mirrors.

osu-song-image-downloaderREADME.md at main

It's main purpose is to download all songs and/or background images from your beatmaps from your local osu! game folder. Currently it supports 8 types of images ...


Osu! Beatmapset Downloader. Downloads given number of beatmapsets with the most favorites from osu.ppy.sh into the current working directory.

How To Download Music For Beatmap? · forum - osu!

Try searching unranked osu! map. I mean, download the map and get the music. Anyway, here is the map: https://osu.ppy.sh/s/504521

How do i download music into the game so i can play more songs

Download maps from beatmapsets you should be able to import them into osu by just clicking on the downloaded .osz file or dragging the file into/onto osu!

Where can I download the songs? · forum

bandcamp is pretty much the best site for most cases. muxiv (the one mentioned above) and NetEase are best if you're downloading songs from composers in China.

Where to obtain high quality mp3 files (or songs i guess)? · forum

If you want it for free, just check their official music platform (Bandcamp, YouTube, SoundCloud) and pray that they allows free downloading on that particular ...

I made a tool to mass download rankedloved beatmaps (with filters)!

I made an app called Batch Beatmap Downloader which allows you to download any number of ranked or loved beatmaps you want, and it has a complex filtering ...

osu! songs folder download

I've decided to export my osu! maps for everyone to download! This is my ENTIRE song folder, started on 2014-05-11 and exported on 2023-02-25.

How to Download and Install osu! Beatmaps: 3 Methods

You need to learn how to download osu! beatmaps for you to start playing the rhythm game. Here are three different methods on how to download osu! beatmaps.